Cyclonic Storm ‘Asani’ to weaken into deep depression by tonight : IMD

Hyderabad : The Cyclonic Storm ‘Asani’ (Pronounced as Asani) lay centred at 1330 hours on Wednesday over WestCentral Bay of Bengal near Latitude 16.15 degree North and Longitude 81.6 degree East, about 50 km East of Machilipatnam and 30 KM South-South West of Narsapur in Andhra Pradesh. India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences, in a bulletin a shortwhile ago said it moved NorthEastwards with a speed of About 10 kmph during the past three hours. The Cyclonic Storm will move North-NorthEastwards along Narsapur, Yanam, Kakinada, Tuni and Visakhapatnam Coasts till this evening and emerge into WestCentral Bay of Bengal Off North Andhra Pradesh Coast by tonight. It will likely to weaken into a Deep Depression by tonight and into a Depression by Thursday Morning. Gale Wind speed reaching 70-80 kmph gusting to 90 kmph likely to prevail along and off Krishna, East and West Godavari, Yanam of Puducherry and Visakhapatam districts and 50-60 kmph gusting to 70 kmph along and off adjoining districts of Coastal Andhra Pradesh during forenoon to afternoon today. It would then decrease gradually to 45-55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph over the same region by tomorrow morning. Light to moderate rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with isolated extremely heavy falls is likely over coastal Andhra Pradesh today and light to moderate rainfall is likely at many places over Coastal Andhra Pradesh and heavy rainfall at isolated places over coastal Andhra Pradesh tomorrow. The bulletin said Storm surge of height about 0.5 M above Astronomical Tide is likely to inundate lowlying areas of Krishna, East & West Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh and Yanam of UT of Puducherry. The cyclonic storm is under the continuous surveillance of Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) at Machilipatnam (Andhra Pradesh) The 24 hours cumulative realised rainfall (≥7cm) over Andhra Pradesh during 0830 hours of 10th May to 0830 hours 11th May are Coastal Andhra Pradesh: Vishakhapatnam: Narsipattnam-7; Nellore: Kavali-7, Parkasam: Kandukur-7; Guntur: Bapatla-7, Vizianagram: Mentada, Pusapatrega & Gantyada-7 each, the bulletin added.