Drug traffickers to be classified into categories announces DGP R.R Swain

Drug traffickers to be classified into categories announces DGP R.R Swain
Says JKP will tighten the cordon around drug peddlers who are poisoning the society by targeting the youth.
Iqbal wani
Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir’s Director General of Police, RR Swain, is absolutely right in announcing that the police will classify drug traffickers under categories A, B, and C respectively. He has said that the Jammu and Kashmir Police will tighten the circle around the drug dealers who are poisoning the society by targeting the youth. His assurance that the police will be involved in large-scale mapping and classification of drug dealers should receive strong public support. As it weakens the entire society. It affects the present and future of the youth. It diverts young people from their career goals and destroys families. Besides, it also destroys the national human resources. These are our youth. It is a well-established fact that drugs are primarily smuggled across borders to drive the economy based on this poison. This economy not only sustains crime and the underworld but is also the mainstay of terrorism. We have been ravaged by the man-made scourge of terrorism that was fueled by the Cold War and then by the transfer of narco-trafficking funds to the Pak region. The spread of radicalism with the implementation of Operation TOPAC destabilized the society in Jammu and Kashmir. We are paying a heavy price for this turmoil. The DGP has well identified that people whose relatives are addicted to drugs can certainly help in preventing this poison from spreading in the society. Various studies have clearly identified and proved the link between drugs and terrorism. And so the term narco-terrorism aptly describes the cocktail between the two. Subversive elements take advantage of people’s dependence on drugs and are easily used for terrorist activities. Jammu and Kashmir cannot afford to let down its vigil on drug terrorism. Jammu and Kashmir has seen the worst form of terrorism and the loss of lives it causes. Neither the society nor the administration can afford to turn a blind eye to this monstrous problem. There has been continuous drug smuggling from Punjab for many years. Jammu and Kashmir Police need to increase vigilance on the borders of Union Territories with Punjab. So that drug dealers do not have open access to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir. There was a trend of poppy cultivation in Kashmir to meet the local demand for this poison. But it has been declining for some time now. monitoring the flow of drugs across the border; To nip this evil in the bud, we should also be vigilant about local cultivation. The Jammu and Kashmir Police has the distinction of fighting terrorism and radicalization organized by Pakistan and sponsoring subversives from within at ground zero for decades. This enables it to effectively deal with new forms of terrorism including narco-terrorism and hybrid terrorism. A well-coordinated security grid focused on neutralizing terrorism in all its forms is the need of the hour. It is important to recognize that the police alone cannot stop the drug scourge which has every possibility of turning into drug terrorism. It needs the support of civil society, NGOs, educational institutions and religious figures. Above all, educational institutions should be vigilant and follow the advisory issued by the police from time to time. J&K Police should start sensitization campaign from school level itself. Take it to the college and university level. To increase capacity to defeat drug dealers. Students of educational institutions will emerge as brand ambassadors of the anti-drug campaign in the society. Under the leadership of DGPRR Swain, the Jammu and Kashmir Police is doing a great national service by arresting drug peddlers. To save our youth in Jammu and Kashmir from this poison called drugs, it needs full social support.