ACS Dulloo chairs review meeting of JKIDFC

Srinagar, Apr 26 : A review meeting of Jammu & Kashmir Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation (JKIDFC) was held under the chairmanship of Atal Dulloo, Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department/Chairman & Managing Director, JKIDFC in his office chambers Tuesday.
The review meeting was attended by Showkat Hussain Mir(Virtual mode) Executive Director/Director Finance, JKIDFC, Shafaat Yehya, General Manager, JKIDFC, Nimisha Abrol, Project Manager, JKIDFC and other officials of the Corporation, a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) reads.
During the course of the meeting, the Chairman & Managing Director, JKIDFC appreciated the contribution made by the officials of the JKIDFC (Jammu and Kashmir Infrastructure Development Corporation) which effectuated recognition to the corporation at the National level.
CMD also reviewed the progress made by JKIDFC in which it was stated that a total of 2357 projects have been approved in HPC for funding under JKIDFC for an amount of Rs. 7110.78 crore out of which 1239 projects for an amount of Rs 1748.65 crore have attained physical completion.
It was also put forth by the officials of JKIDFC that till date disbursed of Rs. 2270.08 crore with 4637 payments for 1923 projects was made out of the total 2500 crore loan lifted from different Financial Institutions and Nationalized Banks.
Also the CMD was apprised that JKIDFC has achieved tremendous level of transparency by incorporation of Online Payment Tracking mechanism, Delay mechanism, Tender Details/Allotment Information and Geo-Tagging of all the projects which have been approved for funding under Languishing Scheme of JKIDFC which is a unique model across the country.
The Chairman & Managing Director was also briefed about the incorporation of linking every project approved under JKIDFC with Google Earth for real time monitoring which is readily available for public viewing on the official website of JKIDFC.
The CMD directed that Department need to complete the projects in the time bound manner for which regular monitoring shall be put in place besides that BODs meeting shall also be conducted for discussing certain strategic issues related for improvement in the working of the corporation to achieve greater mile stones and recognition at the highest level—(KNO)