J&K House, a home away from home ! Principal Resident Commissioner inspects status of works at J&K House, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 30: Principal Resident Commissioner, Dr. Rashmi Singh, today inspected the J&K House and reviewed the status of renovation and upgradation works including revamp of reception area, creation of waiting lounge area, prayer hall, allopathic dispensary and office space at J&K House, Chanakyapuri.
Dr Rashmi was accompanied by Anil Sharma, Additional Resident Commissioner, Shruti Bhardwaj, Manager J&K House, Chanakyapuri and officers of PwD wing.
After inaugurating the renovated reception area of J&K House, Chanakyapuri, Dr. Rashmi Singh took a round of the Kitchen and Dining Hall area where she interacted with the guests seeking feedback regarding hospitality and protocol services being extended at the guest house.
In-house guests were appreciative of the overall facilities and management. They expressed appreciation towards people friendly and public-centric initiatives by the Resident Commission which has resulted in progressive changes at the Jammu and Kashmir house, Chanakyapuri.
Among the visiting guests former MLA, Ishfaq Jabbar appreciated the improvement in infrastructure, food quality and other requisite.
DDC Chairperson Ganderbal, Nuzhat Ishfaq, praised the polite and humble nature of the staff deployed there. She pointed out the need for installing a water purifier which was assured to be provisioned by the visiting team.
Afshana Hamal, a JKAS officer who had come to attend a conference at Delhi while lauding the services being extended in the guest house stated ” It is indeed a home away from home”.
A retired officer Shabir Ahmed Bhat said that he has been coming to Jammu and Kashmir House, Chanakyapuri for the last 14 years and has seen unprecedented change both in the working of the staff, their responsiveness towards guests and overall improvement in infrastructure during recent years.
Syed Junaid Hashmi, a journalist referred to courteous behaviour of the outsourced staff looking after housekeeping services saying that Jammu and Kashmir House, Chanakyapuri has come a long way during last few years. Use of innovative digital methods in payments, room allotment and other services has proven immensely beneficial for the visiting guests, he maintained. He raised the need for installation of an ATM in the building which was assured to be looked into.
During the inspection visit, Dr. Rashmi Singh also felicitated Somnath, one of the housekeeping service staff for showing integrity and honesty in returning a valuable item to the management.
PRC also extended her appreciation towards all team members and especially ARC, Anil and Manager Shruti Bhardwaj for walking the talk and motivated all officials to always strive for continuous improvement.