
Div Com, DHSK hold virtual meeting regarding Mega Health Camp

Srinagar: Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole and Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather today held a virtual meeting with CMOs, Medical Superintendents regarding the upcoming Mega Health Camp during which 3,000 surgeries would be held

During the Mega Health Camp which would spread across three districts and would record more than three thousand surgeries of different fields.

The virtual meeting from Baramulla district was attended by DC Baramulla Bhupinder Kumar, CMO Baramulla, all BMOs and ASHA Co-ordinator.

From Budgam the online meeting was attended by DC Budgam Shahbaz Mirza, CMO Budgam, all BMOs and ASHA Co-ordinator.

From Ganderbal, Kupwara, Bandipora and Srinagar districts, the meeting was attended by the concerned officers. The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir was present in all the meetings.

The director directed all the CMOs, Medical Superintendents, BMOs, to finalize the arrangements and mobilize men and machinery for entire process.

He directed them to start the registration of patients for the upcoming Mega Health Camp so that patients of the peripheral hospitals get benefitted and ensure every requirement for the Mega Health Camp is met well in advance.

Dr MA Rather said patients from Ganderbal, Baramulla, Bandipora, Kupwara and Budgam would be registered for the medical camp within a couple of days who shall be examined and the target of three thousand operations shall be done to make camp successful.

The surgeries shall be conducted at four locations including GMC Baramulla, Sub District Hospital Sopore, District Hospital Kupwara and District Hospital Ganderbal from May 11 to 19.

He directed concerned officers to earmark dedicated operation theatres and augment the bed capacity of theatres to cater to more patients and also asked for creating additional wards in those hospitals by using the available infrastructure.

Regarding ferrying of patients to and fro during the camp, DHSK will provide fifteen ambulances for the camp with five each to three districts.

He also urged for supplementing medical equipment from Budgam and Bandipora to health camp hospitals besides reinforcement of staff and ambulance support.

During the camp accommodation facility of local staff DHSK directed to identify accommodation near the hospitals within a walking distance to facilitate them. He also directed for exploring of accommodation for attendants in government buildings so that they do not face any inconvenience.

On Saturday Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole directed DCs to identify adequate space for parking as a huge number of patients and attendants shall throng to the campsites to avail the benefit of the opportunity.

The Divisional Commissioner has also appealed the public of these districts to register for the free Mega Health Camp and get examined and operated by specialists from across the country.

Srinagar News

Srinagar News is one of the oldest newspaper in kashmir it was founded by Late Mehraj-ud-Din Wani Sahab in 1975.

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