
Director Agriculture visits Interiors of Dal Lake

SRINAGAR, DECEMBER 03: Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today visited interior areas of Dal Lake and interacted with the vegetable growers.

Speaking to the vegetable growers, Director Agriculture reiterated department’s commitment to provide every possible technical support to the vegetable growers of Dal Lake. He said the vegetables produced in the floating gardens of Dal Lake are different in various characteristics from the vegetables produced in other areas. He said different vegetables including Nadur (Lotus stem), Cauliflower, brinjal, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, bottle guard and turnip of good quality are produced here.

The Director impressed upon the concerned officers to provide every possible technical support to the concerned vegetable growers during their cultivation activities.

Later, Director visited Baramulla and inaugurated the meeting hall of DAO Sopore.

Srinagar News

Srinagar News is one of the oldest newspaper in kashmir it was founded by Late Mehraj-ud-Din Wani Sahab in 1975.

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