
Gusty Winds Wreak Havoc In Kashmir Parts

Rooftops Bown Off, Trees Uprooted, 2 Vehicles Damaged

Srinagar : Gusty winds accompanied by isolated showers and hailstorm this late-afternoon caused damage to orchards, residential houses, Vehicles and uprooted trees in various parts of the Central and North Kashmir.

Reports reaching GNS said that scores of residential houses got damaged while trees were uprooted due to strong winds in several areas of Bandipora, Sopore and Srinagar parts. However, no loss of life has been reported so far.

In Watapora area of Bandipora, the gusty winds damaged rooftop of a residential house. Similarly, In Sangrama, Sopore, and in some Srinagar areas, the roofs were blown off and trees uprooted due to heavy windstorm.

Moreover, In Pattan area of Baramulla, two vehicles (JK04E 5070 Swift) ans (JK014 7635 Alto) got damaged after a tree fell on them.

Meanwhile, the windstorm was on in some areas when this report was filed and it couldn’t be immediately confirmed whether anyone was injured in the incidents. (GNS)

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