CUK’s Deptt of Pol and Governance celebrates National Panchayati Raj Day

Ganderbal, Apr 28: The Department of Politics and Governance, Central University of Kashmir (CUK), organized a programme to celebrate National Panchayati Raj Day, at varsity’s Green Campus here on Thursday.
The event was organized to sensitize the students about the working of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the district Ganderbal.
Speaking on the occasion, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah talked about the importance of Panchayati Raj institutions in the rural areas and the challenges faced by them. He said the Panchayats should be strengthened and fully empowered for the inclusive growth and development of the people living in remote corners of the States. Prof. Shah also called for adequate representation of all the sections of the society in the Panchayats.
Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC), Ganderbal, Mr. Khursheed Ahmad Shah, who was the Chief Guest on the occasion, explained the significance of the day and talked about the ground level functioning of the Local level governance in district Ganderbal. He mentioned some of the novel initiatives taken by district administration like celebration of Block Diwas every Wednesday and establishment of Panchayat Secretariats at 105 locations in the district. He also invited the students of the department to participate in the Block Diwas.
Addressing the participants, Assistant Commissioner Panchayat and District Panchayat Officer, Ganderbal, Ms Bilkees Jan, said the main objective of the Panchayati Raj institutions is decentralization of power in order to empower the people at grassroot level. She also pointed out the empirical details about decentralization and three-tier structure of PRI institutions in District Ganderbal. Chairperson, Block Development Council, Block Wakura, Ganderbal, Mr Ghulam Mohammad Malla, was also present on the occasion.
Earlier, Dr. Himabindu, Coordinator of the Department gave the introductory remarks followed by the welcome address by Dr Mehraj ud Din Shah, Dean Students’ Welfare.
Dr. Muzaffar Ahmad Ganaie, Asst Prof conducted the programme proceedings while as Dr. Khalid Waseem, Asst Prof. proposed the vote of thanks.
The inaugural session was followed by a technical session during which deliberations were held on GPDP, Back to Village programme, Women representation and various challenges faced by administrators on ground.