JammuJob News

SSP Samba removes constable, SPO for prolonged absence from service

SSP Samba removes constable, SPO for prolonged absence from service

Samba, Jan 07 (KS):- For prolonged absence from legitimate duties , Senior Superintendent of Police Samba Benam Tosh has removed from service one under suspension selection grade Constable , who was also involved in firing & assault case of Hatli Kathua, and disengaged one habitual absentee SPO on the recommendation of enquiry officer .

As per News Agency Kashmir Scroll (KS), the stern departmental action of removal/ disengagement has been taken after the deliquent personnel didn’t pay heed to series of signals to resume duties, attendence notices & show cause notices served upon them as also published in newspapers and showed no interest to serve any more in the department .Moreover, enquiry officers had also recommended their removal ,termination in their findings after conducting enquiries under rules.

The under suspension selection grade Constable Joginder Singh has been removed from service in terms of Article 128 of J&K CSR ,as he had been absenting himself unauthorizedly for the last ten months continuously & still absent . During his absence, he was also involved in case FIR No.340 /2023 u/s 307, 323, 452, 504, 506 IPC, 3/35/27 Arms Act PS Kathua. As for SPO Bachan Lal, he has been disengaged on the recommendation of enquiry officer for being habitual absentee, remaining absent for six months during the year 2023 and is still absent. (KS)

Srinagar News

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