
People who use drugs for business purposes will be strictly dealt : DGP

People who use drugs for business purposes will be strictly dealt : DGP

Baramulla, Feb 17 ; The Director General of Police J&K R.R Swain stated on Saturday that police will be very strict against people who use drugs as a business.

Speaking to the media on the sidelines of a public grievance redressal program at DPL Baramulla, DGP as per News Agency Kashmir Scroll said that there are two groups involved in drugs: those who sell (peddlers) and another group treat it as a business. He mentioned that those who use drugs as a business will be dealt with very strictly.

The top police officer explained that efforts are being made to reach those who consider drug trade as a business. He acknowledged that it is a challenge, but they are determined to address it and deal strictly with such individuals.

He also emphasized that individuals who are victims of drug-related issues will be treated as victims, and efforts will be made to address these concerns effectively.

Pertinently, This program was the second in a series of grievance redressal programs launched by DGP J&K with the aim to have a firsthand appraisal of public grievances in the northern region of Kashmir. Earlier, a similar program was held in Kupwara district. (KS)

Srinagar News

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