Srinagar, July 2 (UNI) In order to provide an opportunity for millions of devotees of Baba Amarnath Ji across the globe who could not come for the Yatra this year, the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board is extending the online facility for performing virtual pooja, hawan and prasad booking for the devotees, officials said.
The devotees can book their pooja, hawan, and prasad online, and priests at the holy cave will offer it in the devotee’s name, besides the prasad will be subsequently delivered at doorsteps of the devotees.
Chief Executive Officer, SASB, Nitishwar Kumar noted that the online services can be booked through Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board’s website www.shriamarnathjishrine.com by clicking Book Online Pooja/ Hawan/Prasad link & through the Board’s Mobile application (which may be downloaded through the link
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ncog.shriamarnath , by paying Rs 1100/- for virtual Pooja, Rs. 1100/- for Prasad booking (with 5 gm silver coin of Shri Amarnathji), Rs. 2100/- for Prasad booking (with 10 gm silver coin of Shri Amarnathji ) Rs. 5100/- for the special hawan or combination of any of the above.
The Virtual Pooja or Hawan would be carried out by the Pujaris at the Cave shrine by pronouncing the Name and Gotra of the devotee along with chanting of Mantras and Shlokas.
‘Maximizing the use of available technology and digitization, the devotees would be let in a virtual online room through Jio meet application wherein they can have a special virtual Pooja and Darshan of Lord Shiva,’ he added.
“We have made an arrangement with the Postal Department for dispatching Prasad within 48 hours,” CEO, SASB observed. Once the booking is done, the Shrine Board would share the link and date/time on the registered mobile number/ e-mail id of the devotee, he said.
The portal has been developed by Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board with the help of National Informatics Centre, J&K.